Statistical theory-based method of sediment carrying capacity and its application
中文关键词: 泥沙统计理论  悬移质挟沙力  推移质输沙率  推悬比  黄河下游
英文关键词: sediment statistical theory  carrying capacity of suspended sediment  rate of transportation of bed load  ratio of bed load to suspended sediment  Lower Yellow River
陈绪坚 中国水利水电科学研究院泥沙研究所北京100048 
胡春宏 中国水利水电科学研究院泥沙研究所北京100048 
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      将水流挟沙力作为二维问题处理是水流挟沙力研究的重要方向,采用非均匀沙水流挟沙力的统计理论方法,根据泥沙状态概率和有效床沙级配,推导了悬移质挟沙力、推移质输沙率和推悬比统计理论公式,利用黄河下游水沙资料对公式进行验证,并与半经验悬移质挟沙力和推移质输沙率公式进行计算对比验算。计算结果表明,采用统计理论公式计算中、低含沙水流非均匀沙悬移质挟沙力较为准确,统计理论方法计算的推悬比较为稳定,黄河下游底悬比在0.06 ~ 0.11 之间变化,可以采用统计理论方法的推悬比公式计算黄河下游的漏测底沙量。
      It is an important filed of sediment carrying capacity studies to solve it as a two dimensional problem. Using the statistical theory-based method of non-uniform sediment carrying capacity, the formulae were deduced for sediment carrying capacities of suspended load and bed load transport rate, as well as the ratio of bed load to suspended sediment based on the state probabilities and grain size distribution of effective bed material. The formulae have been validated with the data of flow and sediment in the Lower Yellow River,and are contrasted with calculations of empirical formulae. The results indicate that the grouping transportation capacity calculated with the statistical theory formulae at low and medium concentration of non-uniform sediment is more correct and reasonable, and the total transportation capacity calculated with the empirical formulae is more accurate. The ratio of bed load to suspended sediment calculated with the statistical theory formula is more stable, varying between 0.06 and 0.11 in the Lower Yellow River,and the statistical theory formula can be used to calculate the bed load quantity of lack survey.
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