刘之平,王涛,郭新蕾,付辉,杨开林,彭旭明.黑龙江防凌爆破试验研究[J].水利学报,2017,48(3):253-260 |
黑龙江防凌爆破试验研究 |
Breaking ice with explosive in Heilongjiang River |
投稿时间:2016-07-19 |
DOI:10.13243/j.cnki.slxb.20160759 |
中文关键词: 黑龙江 河冰 冰盖 厚度 凌汛 爆破 炸药 |
英文关键词: Heilongjiang (Amur) River river ice ice cover thickness flood blast explosive |
基金项目:公益性行业科研专项(201501025);国家自然科学基金项目(51179209,51679263);中国水科院基本科研业务费专项(HY0145C222016) |
摘要点击次数: 4088 |
全文下载次数: 2289 |
中文摘要: |
炸药爆破冰盖或冰坝是防凌减灾的重要手段,确定爆破坑半径同炸药用量、冰盖厚度等相关影响变量的关系是有效实施爆破的前提。通过黑龙江上游江段现场防凌爆破试验研究,提出了防凌爆破的可靠方法和关键技术,建立了表达黑龙江冰凌爆破中冰盖厚度、冰下水深、炸药用量同爆破坑半径之间关系的公式。新公式预报的爆破坑半径值和实测值平均相对误差在8.5%以内。同已有的研究成果比较,本文论证了冰下水深对爆破坑半径的影响,所提出的爆破坑半径公式不仅适应于冰盖厚度小的河流,也适合高寒地区冰盖厚、强度大、水深浅的天然河流,且预报精度较高。研究成果应用到2015-2016年开河前黑龙江上游漠河江段防凌爆破中,确保该江段开河期间未发生冰塞和冰坝凌汛灾害。 |
英文摘要: |
Breaking ice cover or ice jam is essential to prevent flooding in Alpine region.Field experiments have been conducted to study ice-breaking process with explosive in the upper reach of the Heilongjiang River (Amur River) for several years.It is observed that the water depth under the ice cover is a crucial factor affecting crater radius of the breaking ice cover after explosion.Based on the experimental results,a theoretical model is developed to correlate the crater radius and the water depth,the cover thickness,and the explosive charge weight.The application of the model in the Heilongjiang River in 2015-2016 showed good agreement between predicted and measured crater radius.This research provides the scientific basis for breaking ice with explosive to prevent ice disaster in the river of Alpine region. |
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