Assessment index system and decision-making model for load adjustment schemes of cascade hydropower stations
中文关键词: 梯级水电站  负荷调整方案  风险效益协同评价  指标体系  改进灰靶决策模型
英文关键词: cascade hydropower stations  load adjustment schemes  risk-benefit synergy assessment  index system  an improved grey target decision-making model
纪昌明 华北电力大学可再生能源学院, 北京 102206 rongbolee@163.com 
李荣波 华北电力大学可再生能源学院, 北京 102206 rongbolee@163.com 
刘丹 中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038  
张璞 华北电力大学可再生能源学院, 北京 102206  
张验科 华北电力大学可再生能源学院, 北京 102206  
周婷 安徽农业大学水利工程系, 安徽 合肥 230036  
摘要点击次数: 3638
全文下载次数: 2288
      The preference of cascade hydropower stations' load adjustment schemes directly impacts the benefits and risks of power generation sector. However, due to incompleteness of existing risk-benefit synergy assessment index system, it is unable to conduct a comprehensive and effective assessment on load adjustment schemes so far. This article aims to establish a systematic risk-benefit synergy assessment approach to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of load adjustment schemes assessment. In this article, authors proposed a comprehensive index system of risk-benefit synergy assessment based on the actual cascade hydropower stations operation process;defined generation risk rate, load fluctuation risk rate, and opportunity loss risk as new indexes then put forward their calculation formulas;besides,introduced the correlation coefficient matrix to replace the covariance matrix of Mahalanobis distance to address the deficiency of the traditional grey target decision-making model in terms of insensitivity of relative indexes; in addition, used the relative bull's-eye to calculate and sort the non-inferior sets. According to the case study of Jinping-guandi cascade hydropower stations of the Yalong River in which a comparison was performed between the traditional grey target model and the grey target model based on Mahalanobis distance,the methodology proposed by this article shows more reasonable results, which can be an important reference for future research on load adjustment of cascade hydropower stations.
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