Study on the mechanism of water-sediment interaction in the scouring process around a pile
中文关键词: 局部冲刷  床面切应力  马蹄涡流  泥沙输运  悬移质  推移质
英文关键词: local scouring  bed shear stress  horseshoe vortex  sediment transport  suspended load  bed load
齐梅兰 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院, 北京 100044
北京交通大学 结构风工程与城市风环境北京市重点实验室, 北京 100044 
石粕辰 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院, 北京 100044 
摘要点击次数: 16226
全文下载次数: 2997
      Aimed at exploration of the sediment transport behavior in local scouring process around a struc-ture,3D turbulent flow equations coupled with bedload and suspended load transport,as well as bed defor-mation were used to numerically simulate the local scour and investigate the contribution of the two kinds of sediment transportation, horse-shoe vortex, and the correlation of suspended load with the sediment sus-pension index under clear water and livebed conditions. It was found that under the clear water scour condi-tion, the transport of suspended load contributes a relatively small proportion, and the scouring process is dominated by bed load transport which contributes approximately up 95 percent. Under the live bed scour condition, suspended load transport increases rapidly with the decrease of the particle suspension index. In the scouring process, the variation of sediment transport rate for suspended load and bed load is consistent with the trend of the local shear stress around the structure. Further, the variation of the bed shear stress is positively controlled by the horseshoe vortex.
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