Study on heat transfer across island riparian zone under Manwan reservoir operations in summer
中文关键词: 水库运行  潜流带  潜流交换  热量传输  敏感性分析
英文关键词: reservoir operation  riparian zone  hyporheic exchange  heat transfer  sensitivity analysis
于丹青 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029
重庆交通大学 河海学院, 重庆 400074 
陈求稳 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029  
马宏海 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029  
陈宇琛 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029  
孙洪波 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029
重庆交通大学 河海学院, 重庆 400074 
施文卿 南京水利科学研究院 生态环境研究中心, 江苏 南京 210029 wqshi@nhri.cn 
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全文下载次数: 936
      本文以澜沧江漫湾水库库内洲滩潜流带为研究对象,利用原位自动监测传感器连续49天监测了潜流带夏季水位及水温变化过程,分析潜流带与水库之间潜流交换与洲滩内部温度时空特征,核算潜流带热传输量,以助于揭示漫湾水库运行下库内洲滩潜流带夏季热传输特征与驱动机制。结果表明:水库运行下,水位频繁波动促进了水库与洲滩的潜流交换,单位宽度上潜流交换量为-0.12~0.06 m2/d;在太阳辐射下,因洲滩沉积物比热容低于水体,其升温速度较快,与水库形成了0.26~4.80℃的温度差;在潜流交换驱动下,热量由洲滩向水库传输。洲滩表层热传输量最高,中层次之,底层最小,单位面积上分别为1635.21、730.68和104.49 MJ;敏感性分析表明,热传输受水位波动振幅影响最大,温差次之,周期影响最小。研究结果对于探究建库河流岸边潜流带水热交换过程具有借鉴意义。
      In this study, water level and temperature in the riparian zone were in-situ monitored for 49 days in summer using automatic sensors on an island of Manwan reservoir in the Langcang River. Through the analysis of the lateral hyporheic exchanges and temperature spatial-temporal patterns in the riparian zone,the heat transfer quantities across the riparian zone were calculated,which is helpful to reveal the ri-parian heat transfer in summer under Manwan reservoir operations and the underlying mechanisms. The re-sults demonstrate that due to the reservoir operation the frequent fluctuation of water level promotes the hy-porheic exchanges between the island and reservoir with exchange volume per unit length across the island up to -0.12~0.06 m2/d. Under the solar radiation, the island sediments is heating up faster because of its specific heat lower than water, that forms the difference in temperature of 0.26℃~4.80℃ higher than the water in reservoir. Driven by the hyporheic flow, heat is transferred from the island to the reservoir. The heat transfer quantity is following the order of upper layer > middle layer > bottom layer, with 1635.21 MJ, 730.68 MJ and 104.49 MJ per unit area, respectively. Sensitivity analyses show that the heat transfer is most affected by amplitude of water fluctuation, followed by the temperature difference and least affected by the fluctuation period. This study is beneficial to the studies of heat and water exchanges in ri-parian zones in dammed rivers.
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