Study on discrete element simulation of RCC layered compaction and meso-mechanism of construction-induced interfaces
中文关键词: 碾压混凝土坝  施工成层  细观机理  层间结合质量  碾压参数  离散元模拟  碾压试验
英文关键词: roller-compacted concrete dam  construction-induced interfaces  meso-mechanism  joints bonding quality  compaction parameters  discrete element simulation  compaction test
刘东海 天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室, 天津 300350 
马子茹 天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室, 天津 300350 
孙龙飞 天津大学 水利工程智能建设与运维全国重点实验室, 天津 300350 
摘要点击次数: 342
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      碾压混凝土(RCC)坝特有的大仓面分层碾压工艺带来的层间结合质量问题,是影响其安全运行的重要因素。从施工控制的角度分析RCC施工成层机理,进而合理调整碾压参数,可有效保证大坝的施工质量。首先,通过RCC分层碾压试验,分析了碾压过程中含层面RCC的沉降规律、压实度及抗剪强度,为后续离散元模拟提供了基础;然后,建立并验证了RCC双层碾压与抗剪试验离散元模型;最后,给出了表征层间结合质量的骨料嵌入值指标,进而从孔隙率、层间骨料嵌入、层面应力分布、层间抗剪强度等方面分析了RCC施工成层的细观机理。结果表明:碾压参数对RCC的嵌入值、压实特性、层面应力和层间结合质量均有一定影响;嵌入值是影响层间抗剪强度的重要因素,二者呈线性相关,嵌入值每增加1 mm,模拟抗剪强度约增加1.583 MPa;激振力的增加以及行进速度、碾压厚度的减小均有利于提高层间结合质量,且碾压厚度是影响层间结合质量的最敏感参数。研究结果可为施工中RCC层间结合质量控制标准的制定提供理论依据。
      The unique layered compaction process of a large working area determines that the quality of bonding between layers is key to ensuring the operation safety of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dam.Revealing the RCC construction-induced interfaces mechanism from the perspective of construction control and adjusting the compaction parameters can effectively ensure the construction quality.First,the compaction settlement law,compaction degree,and shear strength of RCC during layered compaction process were tested,providing a basis for discrete element simulation.Then,the discrete element models of RCC double-layer compaction and shear test were established and verified.Finally,the aggregate embedding value which characterizes the joints bonding quality was defined,and the meso-mechanism of RCC construction-induced interfaces was analyzed from the aspects of porosity,aggregate embedding,and joints stress distribution and shear strength.The results show that the increase of exciting force and the decrease of rolling speed and lift thickness are beneficial to improve the joints bonding quality,and the lift thickness is the most sensitive factor affecting the quality.This study provides a theoretical support for controlling the joints bonding quality during RCC construction.
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